Friday, March 2, 2007

Our children are deprived of a common general knowledge

Over the past years, I have thought of the days long ago when everyone has a common knowledge of all sorts of things, history, government, geography, literature, all of which facilitated discourse among our friends. For example, we could reference Romeo and Juliet or Rip Van Winkle and our contemporariness knew about which we were speaking.

Today, our educational system is test oriented, there is no independent reading and our children's knowledge of the "olden days" extends five or ten years at most.

I have a feeling that the problem is that teachers do not have the common societal knowledge thjat used to be pervasive. I am circulating a short questionnaire among people age 18 - 40 and will publish the results. I'm afraid that they will confirm my worst expectations.

I'll post more later.

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