Saturday, March 10, 2007

More about the loss of a common core of knowledge

As I had indicated, I have been gathering information via a questionnaire on what ordinary people, mostly under 40, know about geography, history, folklore and such. Included in the groups surveyed were 20 Florida elementary school teachers who had gathered in a group.

The full results will be published on Associated Content when they are all compiled, but the preliminary results are scary. So far, none of the teachers and darn few others knew who were the combatants in the US War of 1812; most people said that the "face that launched a thousand ships" was that of the Mona Lisa; and a substantial number of young adults didn't know when World War II started, ended or who the allies were fighting.

I don't want to be the crotchety old man wailing about "kids today", but damn it, we have lost a generation and it's going to get worse.

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